openNEM facility data

Module for downloading and parsing openNEM facility data

This is a simple set of functions for downloading and parsing station and duid meta data from openNEM.

Essentially works as follows:

  • gets the master list of stations from openNEM
  • iteratively downloads and saves the json data for each of the stations within this list (about 400)
  • parses the downloaded data into a flat dataframe

The json data is stored locally, to prevent having to re-download the the every station each time you might want to adapt the parser and/or change the data you want to record.

The json is validated with pydantic (to deal with missing fields, and other irreularities in the openNEM json). There is probably a smarter way to flatten the validated data to pandas than what I have now, but it does the job.

Note there are two stations (commented out in the code) that are missing or have another issue.


Written using Python 3.11. Uses pandas, requests, simplejson and pydantic (for json data validation).


Before using the module, there is global variable (LOCALDIR) that needs to be set to specifify where the station json data is stored.

To download all the station json:

import opennem_facilities

Top parse the station data:

import opennem_facilities
df = opennem_facilities.parse_station_data()

This should return a dataframe as follows (where the code here is DUID)

network_region code fueltech capacity_registered lat lon station_name station_code
0 NSW1 APPIN gas_wcmg 55 -34.2109 150.793 Appin APPIN
1 NSW1 AVLSF1 solar_utility 245 -34.9191 146.61 Avonlie AVLSF
2 NSW1 AWABAREF bioenergy_biogas 1 -33.0233 151.551 Awaba AWABAREF
3 NSW1 BANGOWF2 wind 84.8 -34.7672 148.921 Bango BANGOWF

Extending / adapting

To parse additional details / metadata - you would have to adapt the Station pydantic model (i.e. add the fields you want to parse), and also adapt the function to flatten the data to pandas as appropriate.


The code can be downloaded from here: ’, and is shown below as well:

# Basic python script to download and restructure DUID and station data
# from the openNEM facilities dataset
# Copyright (C) 2023 Dylan McConnell
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
from typing import List, Optional

import pandas as pd
import requests
import simplejson
from pydantic import BaseModel

LOCALDIR = "/path/to/local/dir/"

def get_master():
    Download master geojson file from openNEM, returning JSON
    response = requests.get(GEOJSON)
    return simplejson.loads(response.content)

def get_station(station_code: str = "LIDDELL"):
    Download and store station json from openNEM
    response = requests.get(STATION_URL.format(station_code))
    json = simplejson.loads(response.content)

    filename = station_filename(json["code"])
    with open(os.path.join(LOCALDIR, filename), "w") as f:
        simplejson.dump(json, f, indent=2)

def station_filename(code: str):
    Simple function to replace problematic characters in station codes
    and return a filename
    clean_code = code.replace("/", "_")
    return f"{clean_code}.json"

def load_station(station_code: str):
    Load station json from local directory
    filename = station_filename(station_code)
    with open(os.path.join(LOCALDIR, filename), "r") as f:
        return simplejson.load(f)

def station_generator(master_json):
    Generator that yields the station code for every station in the NEM
    for station in master_json["features"]:
        if station["properties"]["network"] == "NEM":
            yield station["properties"]["station_code"]

def download_all_stations():
    Downloads all the station json data from the master list.
    master_json = get_master()
    for station_code in station_generator(master_json):
        if station_code != "SLDCBLK":
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print("downloading ", station_code)

Some pydantic models for validating openNEM data

class DispatchUnit(BaseModel):
    network_region: str
    code: str
    fueltech: str
    capacity_registered: Optional[float] = None

class Location(BaseModel):
    lat: Optional[float] = None
    lng: Optional[float] = None

class Station(BaseModel):
    name: str
    code: str
    location: Location
    facilities: List[DispatchUnit]

def parse_station_data():
    Parses all station data from the master list.
    Assumes all station json already downloaded.
    master_json = get_master()
    data = []

    for station_code in station_generator(master_json):
        if station_code not in ["MWPS", "SLDCBLK"]:
            station_json = load_station(station_code)
            valid_station = Station(**station_json)

    return pd.concat(data).reset_index(drop=True)

def flatten_station(valid_station: Station):
    Simple function to convert a validated station to pandas dataframe
    (probably could be done neater / cleaner with pd.normalize_json)
    d = []
    station_dict = valid_station.dict()
    for du in valid_station.facilities:
        data = du.dict()
        data["lat"] = station_dict["location"]["lat"]
        data["lon"] = station_dict["location"]["lng"]
        data["station_name"] = station_dict["name"]
        data["station_code"] = station_dict["code"]

    return pd.DataFrame(d)